Epai-mahaia / JURY / Jurado

Nazioarteko goi mailako profesionalek osatutako epai-mahai batek emango du sar¡i nagusia.

An internatioanl jury pannel composed by qualified profesionals will give the award.

Un jurado internacional compuesto por profesionales de gran experiencia otorgará los premios.



© Jim MarshallSELMA SPAHIC (Bosnia Herzegovina) Artistic Contents Director in MEES FESTIVAL, Sarajevo, festival member of the international network of performing arts festivals, IYMA.
© Jim Marshall


maitane_zalduegiMAITANE ZALDUEGI (Bilbo)

Dancer, coreographer,stage directer and dancer professor with a large international formation.


daniela-perezDANIELA PEREZ (Brasil)

Artistic director, programmer, coreographer, actress and director of FICE Festival from Palmas, Tocantins.