ACT 2018 Contest session

FITXAK ARTISTOA | ARTISTIC FILES | FICHAS ARTÍSTICAS [PDF]: Lo.Li.Ta_La Taimada |LOOP_Atom theatre | Confetti_Emilien truche | Volitant_Gobi dance company | At one point_RLP | Trigger Warning_Yang Han Bi

Lo.Li.Ta’, xalotasunarena, objektu bihurturiko edertasunarena eta degradazioarena


La Taimada. Catalunya. 27′

Lolita, izena ahoskatu orduko burura datorkigun hura, hiru silaba mingarritan idazten da. Lo.Li.Ta adierazlea eta adierazia da aldi berean; sonoritatea ere bada, irudiak eskaintzeko itzelezko gaitasuna duena: xalotasunarena, objektu bihurturiko edertasunarena eta degradazioarena.

 ‘Loop’ o cómo se conectan los cuerpos, ATOM Theatre


ATOM Theatre. Bulgaria. 15′

The project is based on the simple meaning of the loop – “Curving or doubling of a line so as to form a closed or partly open curve within itself through which another line can be passed or into which a hook may be hooked.” It is an investigation of how bodies connect, communicate and how the relationship can be transformed into an infinite trap.

 Who is the man? Who is the puppet? Emilien Truche presents ‘Confetti’


Emilien Truche and Guillaume Auzépy – HMDK-HEAR. Germany. 15′

En un salón de fiestas, dos personas están sentadas frente a frente, como si se hubieran congelado de repente. ¿Quiénes son esos dos dobles?

Confetti animazioaren arauez ari zaigu, eta galde egiten digu: nor da noren jolas?

Who is the man? Who is the puppet? Is this party already over?

Confetti. Emilien Truche and Guillaume Auzépy/HMDK-HEAR. Germany. 15'


‘Volitant’: an intermediate state between here and there, by Góbi Dance Company


Góbi Dance Company. Hungary. 24′

La nueva performance de Rita Góbi presenta el estadio intermedio entre “no estar ya aquí” y “no estar allí todavía”, guiándonos al mundo de la metamorfosis.

Rita Góbi’s new performance presents the intermediate state of “already not here” and “not there yet”.

Rita Góbiren performance berria «hemen ez jadanik» eta «oraindik han ez» artean dagoen bide erdiko egoera aurkeztera dator, metamorfosiaren mundura garamatzala.

Nuestra imagen frente al espejo. ‘At One Point’, de RL/P


RL/P. United Kingdom. 30′

Argitasun miragarriko momentuez hausnarketa, ispilu pareko irudiari aurre egite hutsa inspirazio. Ibilaldi bat buruan bizi zaizkigun etengabeko pentsamenduetan barrena.

It is a walk through the thoughts that constantly inhabit our minds. Philosophical, revelatory, insignificant, surreal thoughts.

Dos intérpretes usan sus cuerpos para animar estos pensamientos, visualizarlos o subvertirlos o lanzarlos en series de acciones simples.

Yang Han Bi plays with ‘Trigger Warning’ concept from Roxanne Gay’s book, ‘Bad Feminist’


Yang Han Bi. Korea. 20′

El trabajo empieza a partir de la historia sobre los efectos del asociacionismo introducidos en el libro de Roxane Gay, Mala Feminista. Roxane habla de la limitación del “trigger warning” o advertencia sobre contenidos, e insiste en que la gente que ha vivido un trauma tiene que tratarse a sí misma para superarlo.

Horretan dago lana oinarrituta, baina «besteekiko harremanak» ditu ardatz, eta «aurre egitearen» garrantzia.

The work started from the story about the effects of associationism introduced in Roxane Gay’s Book, Bad Feminist. Roxane tells about the limitation of ‘Trigger warning’, and insists that people who experience traumas should cure themselves in order to overcome them. The work is based on it but focuses on the ‘relationships with others’, and ‘facing’ more.

Trigger Warning. Yang Han Bi. Korea 20'

Trigger Warning. Yang Han Bi. Korea 20′